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May 15, 2009


Tanya Holt

oooh, and I am thinking I will see you at Country Thyme girls day on June 13th- fingers crossed- hurry up printers!!


Oh my gosh that looks awesome!!! I cannot wait to be able to buy it!!


it looks so bright and pretty can't wait to see it!


It looks fantastic Melly!!


I simply CANNOT wait! OH please tell me I'll be able to get this in the US somehow... okay? please?


Well done Melly.The book looks like alot of fun. The little flossies look so cute.Can't wait to feel the book in my hands. The 12th. June, just in time for my Mums birthday.Good luck with it all.


Yay Melly, everything looks so wonderful, I am very happy for you, and I to Cannot wait!! And the photos look fantastic.
Big Hugs to you..And I know it will be a great success.


what a gorgeous pics of your little ones for the cover - I can't wait to get a copy!

Congratulations Melly :)

Sarah C

Wow!!! The cover looks so great! I cant believe it...it seems like it all came together at the end so quickly. It will be so much fun to see it on shelves =)


the cover and the title are fab!!!

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