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May 22, 2009



Oh my! I can see my two year old little boy having a LOT of fun with that chicken and her chicks! Beautiful work!

Tina Dillon

What a Wonderful Tale - Clucky and Claudine are so cute and lovely and the little chicks are adorable. Loved hearing of your recent holiday in Seoul.


They are just gorgeous - you are a very clever lady - love those little chicks!



wow! CLaudine and clucky are gorgeous! I would love to make them!


SOoooooooo cute! I hope I win! My daughter would go nuts over the chicken (or as she calls it "Kitchen").


What a cute story! Claudine looks most mischievious and Clucky is the perfect Mum with the handy pocket in her wings.


WOW! There are some fast commenters here. I love the chook and chicks! I have a thing about chickens, even though I am a city girl. I especially like "funky" chickens and these are funky! I'm a cat person too - contemplating how that cat would look in black with funky clothes ... I would love to make them all!



Very cute, and I really enjoyed the way you put the story together!
I'm really looking forward to the release of your book :-)


so very cute!


yay - a cat softie! I have been waiting so patiently, hoping that you would make one! Claudine is gorgeous! Great job Melly :)

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