In a little field, not far away, there lived four little mischievous chicks that just loved to play and joke with each other! One day the four little chicks wandered a little too far away from their Mummy and before they knew it they were lost! They were worried and frightened and tried to call out for their mother.
Little did they know that their noisy calling would alert a cat who was lounging around in the branches of a nearby tree!! Claudine the cat licked her lips and couldn't believe her luck at finding such an easy meal.
On the other side of the field, over the pond, a clucky chook was sad and lonely. Her little chicks had wandered too far away and now she feared for their safety. Her wings felt so cold and empty and in her grief she clucked and clucked, hoping her precious babies might hear her.
But the chicks weren't the only ones to hear Clucky's distressed calls and Claudine the cat was also alerted to her location. Claudine decided that Clucky looked like a much more appealing meal so in her greed she ignored the chicks and began to stalk her prey. As she was getting ready to pounce she came across a pond and could not believe her eyes at the bounty before her. The pond was full of the plumpest ducks she had ever seen. Claudine sat by the side of the pond dreaming of ways to catch a week's worth of food without getting wet - Clucky all forgotten.
While greedy Claudine was distracted, the chicks followed their mothers calls and soon found their way to the other side of the field. The reunion was full of joy and laughter, Clucky's tears turned to tears of joy and the little chicks vowed never to leave their mother's side again.
With her babies tucked under her wings where they belonged, Clucky began the journey home and they lived happily ever after.
Claudine, realising that her greed had gotten the better of her, went back to her tree, dreamed of missed opportunities and licked her wounded pride. After all, tomorrow is another day!
If you would like to go in the running to win a copy of the new patterns for "Clucky" and "Claudine", please leave a comment on this blog post and I will draw a few lucky winners next Wednesday. Good luck and may the floss be with you!! Melly.
Oh my! I can see my two year old little boy having a LOT of fun with that chicken and her chicks! Beautiful work!
Posted by: Tam | May 22, 2009 at 01:51 PM
What a Wonderful Tale - Clucky and Claudine are so cute and lovely and the little chicks are adorable. Loved hearing of your recent holiday in Seoul.
Posted by: Tina Dillon | May 22, 2009 at 01:52 PM
They are just gorgeous - you are a very clever lady - love those little chicks!
Posted by: Philippa | May 22, 2009 at 01:54 PM
wow! CLaudine and clucky are gorgeous! I would love to make them!
Posted by: Yael | May 22, 2009 at 01:54 PM
SOoooooooo cute! I hope I win! My daughter would go nuts over the chicken (or as she calls it "Kitchen").
Posted by: Jennifer | May 22, 2009 at 01:57 PM
What a cute story! Claudine looks most mischievious and Clucky is the perfect Mum with the handy pocket in her wings.
Posted by: Lisa | May 22, 2009 at 01:57 PM
WOW! There are some fast commenters here. I love the chook and chicks! I have a thing about chickens, even though I am a city girl. I especially like "funky" chickens and these are funky! I'm a cat person too - contemplating how that cat would look in black with funky clothes ... I would love to make them all!
Posted by: Paula | May 22, 2009 at 01:58 PM
Very cute, and I really enjoyed the way you put the story together!
I'm really looking forward to the release of your book :-)
Posted by: Belinda | May 22, 2009 at 01:58 PM
so very cute!
Posted by: Mushyhed | May 22, 2009 at 02:06 PM
yay - a cat softie! I have been waiting so patiently, hoping that you would make one! Claudine is gorgeous! Great job Melly :)
Posted by: Renee | May 22, 2009 at 02:13 PM