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November 20, 2009



Yahoo! Thank you so much Melly. Email is on its way.


congratulations to all the winners! It is so nice to take a break once in awhile - it's when those breaks turn into months that you start to get into trouble. :D


Congratulations to all of the winners. You're so creative is a wonder your brain never shuts off!!! You must create when the ideas hit.

Alice S

Thank you! winning has started my day off in an exciting way. I'll email my addresss.

Katie B

Thank you, thank you! I'm not sure how I'll decide!!


Congrats to all the winners !!! I'm so jealous...hehehee...


Congrats winners!!! For us less lucky, is there anyway to know which stores already carry these? I just HAVE to have the hobby horse. And i need it now... lol. (WHAT?! I'm not an addict!!!) ;)


Congrats to the winners! I was also wondering if they are available yet?


Congratulations to the winners! I have just purchased the Hobby Horse pattern from Patterns Only by clicking on the link on the left of the page. I can't wait to hold it and sew it. Thanks Mellie for another great pattern. Dahlia will have to wait till next time.


Congrats to the winners!! they are so lucky!( I have a little giveaway too)

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