Last night we came home from a fun weekend at AQM. It was a great weekend full of laughter, friendships old and new, great food and wine, and of course a little bit of work (If you can call that work??!!)
Despite such a fabulous time, I am also a little glad that the weekend is over... AQM was the last major commitment in my 2009 diary and I am really looking forward to taking things a little bit easier over the next couple of months. On the weekend I was able to release four new designs, so I think I can justify a little break - my body is telling me I need one.
With AQM over, I can now officially share my new designs with you - YAY!! I am not good at all that secret keeping, so I am so glad to finally be sharing them with you. All of those sneak peaks revealed and of course a giveaway!
First off is my newest creation and the most recent sneak peek.... Dahlia. Dahlia is the sweetest little dolly, great for play or decoration and I am particularly partial to her. She is my first ever dolly creation and she did take me a number of drafts to get just right! I hope you love her too...
The next new design is a little girl's set that I just love to put on little Boo. It is called "Little Miss Mouse" and I think that the mouse ear headband just tops it off perfectly...
The third new design is one that reminds me so much of my childhood and gives me those nostalgic warm fuzzies. These hobby horses (stick horses) are the perfect gift for any young boy or girl and I have had trouble keeping Boo and Roony off these in the lead up to AQM!!..
The last of the new designs is one that was part of a "Stitchery of the Month" club recently, and this one is called "My Folio & Folio Jnr". My folio is the perfect A5 folio to hold your diary, note pad and a couple of pens, and Folio Jnr is for keeping those kids entertained on the go! - perfect to fit a small sketch pad and pencils. The pattern has a full monogram alphabet so that your folios can be customised for anyone in your life....
So that, in a nutshell, is the four new designs that have now been officially released. I hope they will be available at your Local Patchwork Store very soon! In the meantime, of course, I need to give you all a chance to win a copy of your favorite. Please leave a comment on this blog post and you will go in the running to win one of the new patterns of your choice. There are 4 new patterns, So I am thinking there must need to be 4 winners, Good Luck!
I am now going to head off to enjoy a few quiet days, and as a result there will be no Tips & Tricks Tuesday this week. I can assure you that it will be back in full swing next week, and please keep emailing me with any tips you really would like to see featured.
Have a great week and I will be back again rested and relaxed on Friday,
Yay, first to comment! That's probably not such a good thing. Your patterns are divine, it is hard to choose which I like best they are all lovely. Litttle Boo looks so cute with her mouse ears.
Hope you have a rest and but your feet up for a while.
Posted by: Debbie | November 16, 2009 at 11:09 AM
What wonderful new patterns!! AND a giveaway too? WOWZER!! I'd love to be entered in your drawing. You have the cutest things.
Get some much needed rest now.
Posted by: sharon | November 16, 2009 at 11:09 AM
YAH...they are all beautiful. I love Dahlia...she is me upgraded with pink streaks!!
Great have inspired me to get off my butt and clean up my workroom and sew like crazy!!
Posted by: Amelie and Atticus | November 16, 2009 at 11:20 AM
Dahlia is soo cute! Feels just like giving a big hug to her!
Posted by: Amandine | November 16, 2009 at 11:25 AM
Oh a giveaway! I love the hobby horses (closely followed by Dahlia Darling).
Posted by: Ange Moore | November 16, 2009 at 11:29 AM
Each pattern is simply wonderful, but I've fallen in love with Dahlia! She's perfect, and I love her name!
Posted by: Serena | November 16, 2009 at 11:30 AM
They are all spectacular! I don't think I could choose a favorite.
Posted by: robin(rsislandcrafts) | November 16, 2009 at 11:36 AM
Melly, You certainly deserve a break!! Enjoy a little R & R. The new designs are just fabulous and I would love to own at least one, if not more. But for now I will settle for just one. So definitely enter me in the draw. Thanks so much!!
Posted by: Jackie | November 16, 2009 at 11:37 AM
I wanted to let you know Melly that Dahlia is adorable and I would love to create one like her! Thanks for the give away!
Posted by: Mary on Lake Pulaski | November 16, 2009 at 11:39 AM
Hello Mel, You certainly are a clever and busy bee. I don't know when you get the time to get these patterns from your head to paper, what with a young family to look after! The patterns are simply gorgeous. Love the hobby horses, just the pattern I need to make up for my beautiful 15 month old granddaughter, and another one for my 6 week old grandson. (sister and brother). Talk about busy (their mum and dad)!!!
Posted by: maryannep | November 16, 2009 at 11:40 AM