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September 10, 2012



I am so excited! I loved US 2012!!! I just have to double check that my neice is NOT being married on that weekend, and all being well, definitely registering so as not to miss out!
This is so cool. Thanks, Melly and great to see you teaming up Jodie. I've seen Simone's patterns in Ballarat Patchwork, but haven't had a go yet.
Yay Urban Stitches!!!!

Michelle Huebner

Yay, signed up & counting down already. Have had so much fun at last 2 Urban Stitches, definitely not missing out. Pyjama, pizza & pina colada sounds like fun. Note to self, make sure pj's are decent. Bring it on.


woohoo - and i want to know about Pizza and pyjamas too !

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