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May 01, 2013



I actually gasped when I saw these. Sooooooooooooo cute


Love them and so excited to see a panel like this in a fabric colletion!!


How do I buy the pattern?

Robyn of The Rat

That is just too cute. I love panel things. It helps the kids make toys and handy for those who don't have the space to spread themselves out while they make templates and the like.
Three months is an awfully long time Melanie!


Absolutely adorable wee snuggle bugs Melly. Love them.

Isla Chambers

Can't wait!! I think I may have to make the whole family!


Oh Yes, one of each please. So excited to see the peak that you sent to me come to life. hugs


That is too cute! Love all of them!


The cuteness is almost tooooo much!!!! LOVE THEM! So sweet!

Anne Lise

They are so cute..... Will it be possible to buy just the pattern???

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