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May 27, 2013


Handmade in Israel

They are delightful! They both seem full of character!


Any chance these will be available as a pdf download anywhere? Takes ages for new patterns to filter down to Tas, and I could row a boat to Melbourne and get one faster than Aust Post is delivering things here at the moment ;)


I just can't wait!!!!

Robyn of The Rat

Just so cute! I'll have to ask Abby and Evan to try for another baby and make sure it is a boy! My four girls are such little ladies!
I will have to make them anyway. :)


If you think it's slow to get things in Oz, try being in NZ. I would love this pattern and have the perfect person to make it for too, but by the time I can get the pattern in NZ the birthday will have been and gone!!!!
I'm still after the cat one you did recently to show up too.


anxiously waiting for their arrival!!!
would love to see a little car one next :)


wow these are so cute,boy you are clever,well done on your new design,they are awesome.xx


They have lovely friendly faces.


These are wonderful... now you just need female versions.. my daughters would love them but only if they were girls :P


They are so cute! I have a nephew now so all the boyish patterns are moving up my list. They will also be great to have on hand when that new movie by the maker of Cars comes out and the kids go wild for Planes ;)

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